Monday, July 23, 2007

Patchwork work work

I'm in my last panel, I can not believe it, it has been a year since I rolled this patchwork class,.........and didn't know anything about sewing, ZERO!!!!!!,.......and makes me so happy to see how much I learnt, and what a big project I was able to do!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


The day didn't start that great, my husband made me sooooooo maaaaad!!!!!!! and over cleaning the house!!!!!!!at 8:00 in the morning, still with my pijama and my messy hair, and half way sleep he starts complaining about the floor, luckily he is not a woman, everyday something to clean clothes, dirty dishes, toys of my son, bathing my son, mopping, grocery shopping is endless the list of keeping a house so what if one day I coulnd´t be "the perfect housewife" this illustration it´s dedicated to him and how mad he made me.