Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Las bicicletas son para Barcelona

Linda es holandesa y vive en Barcelona, y ella ya hace tiempo iba en bicicleta por las calles de Barcelona cuando todos creían que era una locura ir en bici en una ciudad con tantos coches. Se trajo de Holanda sus dos gatos y su bicicleta que frena pedaleando hacia atrás.
Linda is dutch and lives in Barcelona, and she used to ride her bicycle in the streets when everybody thought was crazy ride the bycicle in a city full of cars. When she moved from Holland she brought her 2 cats and her red bycicle that breaks pedaling backwards.

1 comment:

barbarita said...

oh I miss going around on a bike!! Here in Sao Paulo I'm still too scared... If you think Barcelona has a lot of cars come visit SP!

xxxxx :)