Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Empress

I love the tarot world, it really fascinates me, when I see the cards I get totally hypnotized by the context of the cards, illustrations and meanings.........and my friend invited me to her house for a tarot reading. This tarot reading in particular is only made with the 22 major arcana cards, for personality reading more than adivinatory meanings. To choose 5 cards. One card for the main personality, 2nd for the positive side to be enhanced, another for the negative side, and the 4th for the present circumstances, and the last and more important the subconscious. My subconscious card is The EMPRESS. I have to meditate on this card to see what it can bring me and make my subconscious to arise, and bring up my own empress!!!!!!!!!
The Empress personifies the inexhaustible power of nature, with which she continues to bring forth new life. She therefore represents liveliness, fertility, growth, and the birth of something new. She is the infinite source of all life, which expresses our creative potential and our ability to absorb impulses and let something new arise through them. This means growth and fertility on the physical level, artistic creativity on the psychological level, imagination and ingenuity on the level of the intellect, and an increase in perception on the level of consciousness. The continual birth of the new means the constant transformation of our life, as well as the necessity to bear the pain of these births.

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